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P1: Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) is one of the oldest marine research institutions in the world (from 1884) and is a center of excellence for the study, education and promotion of marine science. It has contributed to the societal understanding of the marine environment in biological oceanography, coastal and fjordic marine environments, physics, biogeochemistry. Within the last decade SAMS has led with significant contributions to fisheries and aquaculture policy and research. Now it has a strong educational and policy development role. SAMS teaches a Bachelor’s undergraduate degree in Marine Science and has a strong post-graduate school.


P9: Marine & Environmental Research Lab Ltd (MER) is an environmental consultant SME of five out of six fish farms in Cyprus and offers managerial services to local SME (Seawave Fisheries Ltd). It carries out EIA and monitoring studies (desalination plants, marinas/harbours, wave breakers, power stations and aquaculture facilities in the coastal waters of the island). MER is also implementing marine research programs and is currently coordinating a project for evaluate the ecological status and carrying capacity of heavily impacted Vasiliko Bay and for develop a template that will guide local EIA marine studies.


P10: Longline Environment Ltd (Longline) provides modelling solutions for the aquaculture, fisheries and water quality industries. Its modelling expertise addresses some of the key environmental, social and economic issues faced by stakeholders, regulators and water managers. It applies models for aquaculture and carrying capacity, supporting finfish, bivalve and shrimp aquaculture with production, ecology, and economics.


P11: University of Haifa (HU) provides academic and research facilities to a diverse student body, drawn from all sectors of Israeli society. The domains of research and education facilitate a unique encounter of humanities, arts, and sciences. Much of the University’s research is carried out in forty institutes, centers and laboratories. The Leon Recanati Institute for Maritime Studies is a unique interdisciplinary research center supporting studies in the fields of maritime history, marine ecology, marine archaeology, earth sciences and marine resources, bridging the humanities, science and technology.


P12: The Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research (Bioforsk) is a national R&D institute under the Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture and Food. The main areas of competence are linked to food quality and safety, agriculture and rural development, environmental protection and natural resources management. A recent research focuses on resource management and optimization of energy and nutrient cycles in agricultural systems and in coastal environments, both national and international. BNB (Bioforsk Nord Bodø) department is in charge of developing a new research strategy into the blue-green zone. It intends to assist in developing the first stages towards a future sustainable development of the algae aquaculture industry in Norway. It has its expertise in plant & growth physiology, phycology, microbiology and organic farming. BNB, RIMS and SAMS have previously collaborated during a research project for promoting and developing IMTA. BNB and DOMMRS has a long lasting collaboration through previous Eu projects.


P13: University of Genoa - DISTAV (UNIGE) is an Academic Government Institution in Italy focused on teaching and researching marine biology and ecology. It takes part in the PhD School of Marine Environmental Sciences. The Department is involved in marine ecology, fishery resources assessment, ecotoxicology, aquaculture and environmental friendly activities.




P14: Universiteit Leiden – Institute of Environmental Sciences (LU) is a major player in methods development for sustainability analysis. Since ample two years, it is involved in the EU FP7 SEAT project as partner responsible for performing LCA studies of selected aquaculture systems in South-East Asia.


P15: ETA Florence Renewable Energy (ETA) is a multidisciplinary and multilingual team of professionals looking on the successful implementation of Renewable Energy Projects, carrying out several EU projects in Framework Programs. It assists public and local authorities in the identification of the possible initiatives to improve the renewable energies, energy efficiency and local sustainable development. It has experience in dissemination activities. ETA has acquired a profound experience working together with its partners and has developed well tried and tested procedures demonstrating a high degree of efficiency and reliability. Since 1994, ETA organizes seminars in the framework of international projects in order to: integrate stakeholders and local actors, create and develop European networks and programmes, explain marketing strategies on renewable energies and energy efficiency, promote financing models and public-private partnerships and support the transfer of knowledge.

« June 2024 »