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Welcome to IDREEM Project - WP2 Environmental Interactions

IDREEM - Increasing Industrial Resource Efficiency in European Mariculture


The environmental and ecological parameters of each SME production site will be characterised and reviewed from the standpoint of its baseline physical properties. Following the pre-existing data collection, the identification of data gaps and according to the specific characteristics of each site, appropriate data gathering campaigns will be planned and performed in order to create a baseline set of data that will be used to model the capacity of the ecosystem for supporting the present monocultures and provide environmental carrying capacity for integrated aquaculture. After the deployment of IMTA, the same set of environmental variables will be regularly monitored.  These data will be used to parameterise the FARM model to allow for environmental (and economic) optimisation. At each site, the output of the model simulations will be used in conjunction with the ecological and environmental  information to provide advice and recommendations to the SMEs on the optimal species mix and infrastructure layout for the new IMTA operations. The environmental performance of the IMTA system will be monitored by the BACI (Before, After, Control, Impact) approach

May 2021 »
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